I have been reminded recently in a very powerful way of the ability of music to minister to and to impact people. Several times within the last couple of months I have looked up at the face of a choir member who was weeping as we sang "No More Night", had a man break down and get choked up as he sang "I Want a Principle Within," and I myself was moved to cry right along with a dear man as he sang "You Meant it for Evil, but God Meant it for Good" for me during a voice lesson, and just last Sunday, I looked up to see tears streaming down the face of a member of our Chorale as we read for the first time a song that expressed the humility of Christ as He washed the feet of His disciples. These experiences, coming so closely together reminded me that great texts, fitted with appropriate melodies can reach the hearts of people. I pray that every choir number, every hymn we sing, every special number that is offered, will have a message that will impact the lives of others. Anything less, to me,more and more seems like a waste of time.
Just my two cents!
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